<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2> var strFaderName = 'Dynamic Text Fader 2.20'; var strCopyright = 'Copyright (c) Nicholas Poh 2000'; // Check for browser and version var g_fBrowser = 0; var navName = navigator.appName; var navVer = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); if (document.all) { // Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or compatible g_fBrowser = 2; } else if (document.getElementById) { // Netscape 6 or DOM compatible browser g_fBrowser = 3; } else if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4 or compatible g_fBrowser = 1; } else { // Sometimes Netscape 4 reaches here. So, make sure it still works. if (navName == "Netscape" && navVer >= 4) { g_fBrowser = 1; } else { // unknown and not supported g_fBrowser = 0; } } // End of check // Global variables var DynFaderList = new Array();// List of Dynamic Faders // End of Global variables // Create a hex convertor array (Dex2Hex[]) var hexbase= new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"); var value=0; var Dec2Hex=new Array(); for (x=0; x<16; x++){ for (y=0; y<16; y++){ Dec2Hex[value]= hexbase[x] + hexbase[y]; value++; } } // End of create a hex convertor array (Dex2Hex[]) // Combine RGB colour function RGB(r, g, b) { return ((r&0xFF)<<16) + ((g&0xFF)<<8) + (b&0xFF); } // Convert RGB colour from string to numeric function StrRGB2Num(color) { var temp; temp = color; return Number('0x'+temp.substr(1,temp.length)); } // Convert RGB colour to string base function RGB2STR(rgbcolor) { return Dec2Hex[rgbcolor>>16] + Dec2Hex[(rgbcolor>>8)&0xFF] + Dec2Hex[rgbcolor&0xFF]; } // Find layer function findLayer(name, doc) { if (document.layers) { var i, layer; for (i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) { layer = doc.layers[i]; if (layer.name == name) return layer; if (layer.document.layers.length > 0) { layer = findLayer(name, layer.document); if (layer != null) return layer; } } } return null; } // Change the HTML text function changeHTMLText(element, newText, object) { if (document.all) { // Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or compatible element.innerHTML = newText; } else if (document.getElementById) { // Netscape 6 or DOM compatible browser rng = document.createRange(); rng.setStartBefore(element); htmlFrag = rng.createContextualFragment(newText); while (element.hasChildNodes()) element.removeChild(element.lastChild); element.appendChild(htmlFrag); } else if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4 or compatible strTemp = '<DIV CLASS="' + object.name + '">' + newText + '</DIV>'; element.document.open(); element.document.fgColor = object.curcolor & 0xFFFFFF; element.document.writeln(strTemp); element.document.close(); } } function insertPlaceHolder(strName, width, height, align, bgcolor, border, bordercolor) { if (String(width) =="undefined") var width = "100%"; if (String(height) =="undefined") var height = 100; if (String(align) =="undefined") var align = "left"; if (String(bgcolor)=="undefined") var bgcolor = ""; if (String(border) =="undefined") var border = 0; if (String(bordercolor)=="undefined") var bordercolor = ""; if (g_fBrowser == 0) { document.writeln("Browser not supported"); return; } switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: document.writeln( '<TABLE ALIGN="' + align + '" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BORDER="' + border + '" BORDERCOLOR="' + bordercolor + '">' + '<TR><TD>' + '<ILAYER NAME="' + strName + '" BGCOLOR="' + bgcolor + '" VISIBILITY="inherit">' + '<LAYER NAME="Content" WIDTH=' + width + ' HEIGHT=' + height + ' VISIBILITY="inherit">' + '</LAYER>' + '</ILAYER>' + '</TD></TR>' + '</TABLE>' ); break; case 2: case 3: document.writeln( '<DIV ALIGN=' + align + '>' + '<DIV ID="'+strName+'" STYLE="width:' + width +'; height:' + height + '; overflow:hidden; background:'+bgcolor+'; border-style:outset; border-width:'+border+'; border-color:'+bordercolor+'">' + '<DIV ID="'+strName+'Content" STYLE="position:relative; width:100%;">' + '</DIV>' + '</DIV>' + '</DIV>' ); break; } }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) function DynFader() { this.name; this.width; this.height; this.contentHeight; this.offset = 20; this.curXPos = 0; this.curYPos = -this.offset; this.curPos = 0; this.midYPos = 0; this.ydir = 1; this.xdir = 0; this.placeholder; this.content; this.text = new Array(); this.curText = -1; this.loop = -1; this.paused = true; this.started = false; this.pauseInterval = 0; this.pauseTextInterval = 0; this.curpauseInterval = 0; this.fgcolor = 0x000000; this.bgcolor = 0xFFFFFF; this.dfcolor = 0; this.curdfcolor = 0; this.curcolor = 0; this.dfRed = 0; this.dfGreen = 0; this.dfBlue = 0; this.isFade = false; // Define methods this.addText = DynFaderAddText; this.attachPlaceHolder = DynFaderAttachPlaceHolder; this.setTextColor = DynFaderSetTextColor; this.start = DynFaderStart; this.stop = DynFaderStop; this.beginFade = DynFaderBeginFade; this.calcColorDif = DynFaderCalcColorDif; this.getColorDif = DynFaderGetColorDif; this.setFont = DynFaderSetFont; this.setFontSize = DynFaderSetFontSize; this.setBackground = DynFaderSetBackground; this.setDirection = DynFaderSetDirection; this.setSpeed = DynFaderSpeed; this.setPauseMidInterval = DynFaderSetPauseMidInterval; this.setPauseTextInterval = DynFaderSetPauseTextInterval; this.getContentHeight = DynFaderGetContentHeight; this.setLoop = DynFaderSetLoop; this.setGlow = DynFaderSetGlow; DynFaderList[DynFaderList.length] = this; } function DynFaderAddText(newText) { this.text[this.text.length] = newText; }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) function DynFaderAttachPlaceHolder(strPlaceHolder) { switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: this.name = strPlaceHolder; this.placeholder = findLayer(strPlaceHolder, document); this.content = this.placeholder.document.Content; this.width = this.placeholder.clip.width; this.height = this.placeholder.clip.height; this.content.top = this.curYPos; break; case 2: this.placeholder = eval('document.all.' + strPlaceHolder); this.content = eval('document.all.' + strPlaceHolder+'Content'); this.width = this.placeholder.style.pixelWidth; this.height = this.placeholder.style.pixelHeight; this.content.style.pixelTop = this.curYPos; break; case 3: this.placeholder = document.getElementById(strPlaceHolder); this.content = document.getElementById(strPlaceHolder+'Content'); this.width = parseInt(this.placeholder.style.width); this.height = parseInt(this.placeholder.style.height); this.content.style.top = this.curYPos; break; } } function DynFaderSetTextColor(r, g, b) { this.fgcolor = RGB(r, g, b); switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: this.content.document.fgColor = this.fgcolor; break; case 2: this.content.style.color = this.fgcolor; break; case 3: this.content.style.color = "#" + RGB2STR(this.fgcolor); break; } } function DynFaderSetTextColor(strColor) { if (isNaN(strColor)) this.fgcolor = StrRGB2Num(strColor); this.curcolor = this.fgcolor; switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: this.content.document.fgColor = this.color; break; case 2: this.content.style.color = this.fgcolor; break; case 3: this.content.style.color = "#" + RGB2STR(this.fgcolor); break; } }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) function DynFaderStart() { if (this.ydir > 0) { this.curYPos = this.height + 1; } else { this.curYPos = -this.getContentHeight() - 1; } this.started = true; } function DynFaderStop() { this.started = false; } function DynFaderBeginFade() { this.calcColorDif(); this.isFade = true; this.start(); } function DynFaderCalcColorDif() { switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: this.bgcolor = this.placeholder.bgColor; if (this.bgcolor == null) this.bgcolor = StrRGB2Num(document.bgColor); break; case 2: case 3: this.bgcolor = StrRGB2Num(this.placeholder.style.backgroundColor); if (isNaN(this.bgcolor)) this.bgcolor = StrRGB2Num(document.bgColor); break; } this.dfRed = ((this.bgcolor>>16) - (this.fgcolor>>16)); this.dfGreen = (((this.bgcolor>>8)&0xFF) - ((this.fgcolor>>8)&0xFF)); this.dfBlue = ((this.bgcolor&0xFF) - (this.fgcolor&0xFF)); this.curcolor = this.bgcolor; } function DynFaderGetColorDif(steps) {//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) steps += this.height; steps >>= 1; steps /= Math.abs(this.ydir); this.curdfcolor = this.dfcolor = -(((this.dfRed/steps)<<16) + ((this.dfGreen/steps)<<8) + (this.dfBlue/steps)); } function DynFaderSetFont(fontfamily, fontweight, textalign) { switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: if (fontfamily) document.classes[this.name].all.fontFamily = fontfamily; if (fontweight) document.classes[this.name].all.fontWeight = fontweight; if (textalign) document.classes[this.name].all.textAlign = textalign; break; case 2: case 3: if (fontfamily) this.content.style.fontFamily = fontfamily; if (fontweight) this.content.style.fontWeight = fontweight; if (textalign) this.content.style.textAlign = textalign; break; } } function DynFaderSetFontSize(fontsize) { // Unit is required for Netscape 6 if (!isNaN(fontsize)) fontsize += 'pt'; switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: if (fontsize) document.classes[this.name].all.fontSize = fontsize; break; case 2: this.content.style.fontSize = fontsize; break; case 3: this.content.style.fontSize = fontsize; break; } } function DynFaderSetBackground(image) { switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: this.placeholder.background.src = image; break; case 2: case 3: this.placeholder.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+image+')'; break; } }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) function DynFaderSetDirection(iDir) { switch(iDir) { case 0: this.ydir = Math.abs(this.ydir); break; case 1: this.ydir = -Math.abs(this.ydir); break; default: this.ydir = Math.abs(this.ydir); } } function DynFaderSpeed(Speed) { if (this.ydir > 0) { this.ydir = Math.abs(Speed); } else { this.ydir = -Math.abs(Speed); } } function DynFaderSetPauseMidInterval(time) { this.pauseInterval = Math.abs(time); } function DynFaderSetPauseTextInterval(time) { this.pauseTextInterval = Math.abs(time); } function DynFaderGetContentHeight() { switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: this.contentHeight = this.content.document.height; break; case 2: this.contentHeight = this.content.clientHeight; break; case 3: this.contentHeight = this.content.offsetHeight; break; } return this.contentHeight; } function DynFaderSetLoop(loops) { this.loop = loops; } function DynFaderSetGlow(strength, glowColor, fgColor) { switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: break; case 2: if (String(fgColor) != "undefined") this.setTextColor(fgColor); this.content.style.filter = "glow(color="+glowColor+",strength="+strength+")"; break; case 3: break; } }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) // Scrolling section function ScrollFader() { var fader; if (String(DynFaderList[0]) == "undefined") return; for (var i in DynFaderList) { fader = DynFaderList[i]; if (fader.started == false) continue; if (fader.paused) { if (fader.curpauseInterval-- <= 0) { fader.paused = false; } } else { fader.curYPos += fader.ydir; //fader.curXPos += fader.xdir; if (fader.curYPos == fader.midYPos) { if (fader.pauseInterval) { fader.curpauseInterval = fader.pauseInterval; fader.paused = true; } fader.curYPos = (fader.height - fader.contentHeight) >> 1; if (fader.isFade) { fader.curdfcolor = -fader.dfcolor; fader.curcolor = fader.fgcolor; } } if (fader.isFade) { // Change text colour switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: if (fader.curText >= 0) { changeHTMLText(fader.content, fader.text[fader.curText], fader); } break; case 2: fader.content.style.color = fader.curcolor; break; case 3: fader.content.style.color = "#" + RGB2STR(fader.curcolor); break; } fader.curcolor+= fader.curdfcolor; } if (fader.curYPos > fader.height || fader.curYPos < -fader.contentHeight) { // Prepare for next text var ShowCopyright = false; if (++fader.curText > fader.text.length - 1) { // End of text array reached fader.curText = 0; if (this.loop == -1) { // infinite loop if (Math.round(Math.random()*20) == 7) { ShowCopyright = true; fader.curText = -1; } } else { if (--fader.loop == 0) { // Last loop reached fader.stop(); } } } // Rewrite the text switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: fader.content.top = fader.height; break; case 2: fader.content.style.pixelTop = fader.height; case 3: fader.content.style.top = fader.height; break; } if (ShowCopyright) { changeHTMLText(fader.content, strFaderName + '<BR>' + strCopyright, fader); } else { changeHTMLText(fader.content, fader.text[fader.curText], fader); } // Reset values fader.getContentHeight(); if (fader.isFade) { fader.getColorDif(fader.contentHeight); fader.curcolor = fader.bgcolor; } if (fader.ydir > 0) { fader.midYPos = ((fader.height - fader.contentHeight) >> 1) + fader.contentHeight; fader.midYPos = (Math.round(fader.midYPos / fader.ydir) * fader.ydir) - fader.contentHeight; fader.curYPos = -fader.contentHeight; } else { fader.midYPos = ((fader.height - fader.contentHeight) >> 1) + fader.height; fader.midYPos = (Math.round(fader.midYPos / fader.ydir) * fader.ydir) - fader.height; fader.curYPos = fader.height; } if (fader.pauseTextInterval) { fader.curpauseInterval = fader.pauseTextInterval; fader.paused = true; } } // Scroll text switch(g_fBrowser) { case 1: fader.content.top = fader.curYPos; break; case 2: fader.content.style.pixelTop = fader.curYPos; break; case 3: fader.content.style.top = fader.curYPos; break; } } } }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) // Start timer var g_timerID; if (g_fBrowser == 1) { var g_winWidth; var g_winHeight; g_winWidth = window.innerWidth; g_winHeight = window.innerHeight; window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE); window.onResize = FaderReload; } setTimeout('FaderStart()', 600); function FaderStart() { g_timerID = setInterval(ScrollFader, 20); window.onUnload = FaderUnload; } function FaderUnload(e) { clearInterval(g_timerID); return window.routeEvent(e); } function FaderReload(e) { if (g_winWidth == window.innerWidth && g_winHeight == window.innerHeight) return; this.location.href = this.location.href; this.focus(); return window.routeEvent(e);; }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2> function runMe() { // create fader var myFader1 = new DynFader(); // add text myFader1.addText('This is the first fader'); myFader1.addText('Image as background?'); myFader1.attachPlaceHolder("FaderWithBackground"); myFader1.setBackground('toad.gif'); myFader1.setFont('Comic Sans MS', 'bold', 'center'); myFader1.setFontSize(15); myFader1.setTextColor('#0000FF'); myFader1.beginFade(); // create fader var myFader2 = new DynFader(); // add text myFader2.addText('This is the second fader'); myFader2.addText('The background is transparent'); myFader2.addText('Code downloaded from hWinMain List'); // initialize fader myFader2.attachPlaceHolder("FaderWithTransparentBackground"); myFader2.setDirection(1); myFader2.setTextColor('#FF00FF'); myFader2.setFont('Verdana', 'bold', 'center'); myFader2.setSpeed(4); myFader2.setPauseMidInterval(30); myFader2.setPauseTextInterval(10); myFader2.beginFade(); // create fader var myFader3 = new DynFader(); // add text myFader3.addText('This is the third fader'); myFader3.addText('The background is green'); myFader3.addText('Yes! I have border!'); // initialize fader myFader3.attachPlaceHolder("FaderWithColourBackground"); myFader3.setTextColor('#0000FF'); myFader3.setFont('Verdana', 'bold', 'center'); myFader3.setSpeed(4); myFader3.setPauseMidInterval(30); myFader3.setPauseTextInterval(10); myFader3.start(); // create fader var myFader4 = new DynFader(); // add text myFader4.addText('This is the fourth fader without fading effect'); if (document.all) myFader4.addText("Hey! I'm glowing!"); else myFader4.addText("Sigh... I'm not glowing (Netscape)"); myFader4.addText('The background is black'); myFader4.addText('<DIV ALIGN=LEFT>Left aligned</DIV>'); myFader4.addText('<DIV ALIGN=CENTER>Center aligned</DIV>'); myFader4.addText('<DIV ALIGN=RIGHT>Right aligned</DIV>'); // initialize fader myFader4.attachPlaceHolder("FaderNoFade"); myFader4.setTextColor('#9FA06F'); myFader4.setTextColor('#ffffff'); myFader4.setFont('Verdana', 'bold', 'center'); myFader4.setGlow(5, 'white', 'yellow'); myFader4.setDirection(1); myFader4.setPauseMidInterval(30); myFader4.start(); }//武鸣人网站https://www.wuming.ren 网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀) </SCRIPT> <body bgcolor="#fef4d9" onload=runMe();> <a href="https://www.wuming.ren">武鸣人</a>,各种信息资源免费发布,分享励志语录经典短句,减肥健身常识,各种js特效代码。网站很好记住,wuming.ren(武鸣拼音.ren域名后缀)<hr> <!--欢迎来到武鸣人信息资源平台,各种信息免费发布,资源共享合作共赢,分享互联网流行的励志语录经典短句,减肥健身健康小常识及打卡记录,收集各种js特效代码。--> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.wuming.ren/ad/tc.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.wuming.ren/ad/a.js"></script> <TABLE align=center border=2 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2 width=640> <TBODY> <TR> <TD> <SCRIPT>insertPlaceHolder("FaderWithBackground", 640, 50, 'center')</SCRIPT> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD> <TABLE border=1 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD bgColor=yellow width=200> <B>警告:</B><BR> 如果你使用的是NS浏览器的话,你的显示会变得很慢,这些显示效果不错吧~_~武鸣人欢迎您! </TD> <TD> <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=2 width="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD> <SCRIPT>insertPlaceHolder("FaderWithTransparentBackground", 300, 50, 'center')</SCRIPT> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD> <HR SIZE=2> </TD> <TR> <TD> <SCRIPT>insertPlaceHolder("FaderWithColourBackground", 300, 50, 'center', '#00FF00', 4, 'green')</SCRIPT> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD> <SCRIPT>insertPlaceHolder("FaderNoFade", 640, 20, 'center', '#000000')</SCRIPT> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </body>